I was scrolling around yesterday, and don’t ask me how, but I came across a nice blog, from right here in Maine. Her blog is called http://ruralmainelife.blogspot.com/ Rural Maine Life….I just dropped in a link to it so check her out. I have added her to my list of folks I follow and she has done the same. How cool to meet new folks right here in Maine! Kathleen lives in Millinocket, Maine.
My cousin who lives on an island here in Maine, also has a blog called Island Paradise. Here is a link….http://islandparadisepi.blogspot.com/. When I told her of my new Millinocket blogger friend, she reminded me that my uncle Cy lived up there for years with his family and he was a caretaker at a catholic church up there. The name escapes me right now? Maybe she can mention it in her blog? His full name was Cyril Perry. Wouldn’t it be funny if Kathleen or someone she knows knew of him. I have discovered that this world of ours is really very small after all. We all seem to be connected in some way or other. How many times have you met someone that knows someone who knows someone that you know or are related to and so on? We are not so far away from each other as we think. Through Kathleen, I hope to find other crafty women and I will add them to my blog and follow their daily worlds. Heck…that’s why I started this blog in the first place! I have not added in my crafts that I make yet but I will. I sew by hand because I haven’t a sewing machine yet. I make pincushions and pillows and crazy quilt squares and I crochet purses and blankets. I am not great at any of it but I enjoy it all. I see that Kathleen has a store online and I am wondering if she makes all those goodies she has on there!? We’ll find out. We have many talented women on these blogs don’t we?
Are you wondering what my title has to do with any of this?? Well…..after looking at Rural Maine Life yesterday, it occurred to me that she has a really cool background on her blog. Most all of the women following her site did too! Blogspot offers many but the choices are limited I think. So, that got my juices flowing and I talked to my husband, the Computer Mechanic about it. In no time flat, he had discovered online free blogging templates anyone can use. I was so excited but did not have time to check many out but guess who did? Yup….and guess what he did?….you got it….he changed his!! Now I thought I was the one that was excited about this? Hmmmmm…..Oh I am just kidding…..he didn’t steal my thunder….he jumped through all the hoops and tried things on so he will be all up to date when I do mine! He is still tweaking his but here is the new handsome look so far……http://pwrless.blogspot.com/ ….it is called One Space….and don’t forget to check out his website….It is called Flipping Bits and there is a link from One Space. Keep an eye out for the up and coming new Blueberry Plains look! Until then….happy blogging to you all. Check in with http://geegeesgraffiti.blogspot.com/ …..my mother in law and friends site…..and http://goodoldbeans.blogspot.com/ …..my father in laws……both are excellent, inviting, creative, and funny blogs….and check out Kathleen and Island Paradise! Here is a pillow I made for my mother in law for xmas……