Hubby found this collage program for me and I am having fun with it. I created three collages to see what they would look like. I have templates for holidays and every other occasion you can think of! Here are the three of them…. I am hoping it can be clicked on and opened! The above one is my room upstairs. Here’s another collage……………………
These are items from my garden 2 years ago. And the third one has garden goodies and a photo of my daughter sitting back to…
after we had harvested the garden for the year. Can you tell that fall is my favorite time of year? I love these mosaic/collages!!! What do you think? Some of you already make these! I know Sheila does. Very cool….but there are so many choices…it’s hard to choose from so many great backgrounds and styles! I’m loving this!
My sister in law is home from Nashville and I am going to visit her today. Her mother’s name is Amy also and her father’s name was Joe. Guess what they named my sister in law? Yup…..Amy-Jo…..isn’t that cute? I am so glad she is home and with family that love and miss her. They have certainly been through a lot since that flood. Their home was gutted and is being rebuilt. That can get stressful to say the least. Can’t wait to see her in 2 hours!
My garden is going crazy!! I will get photos this week to share. It has tripled in size in 2 weeks with all of this humid heat we have had in Maine. At least 2 weeks of constant humid temperatures between 80 and 100 degrees here on the plains. I absolutely HATE it. I am NOT a hot weather person. I will hide inside in the air conditioning. We need rain desperately and I think today and tomorrow we are getting a little. I see very little blueberries on my property but if I walk down my street, they are plentiful on the side of the road.
I finally got my new orthotics! For about 3 days they were working well. I was feeling the plantar fasciitis but was not as crippled as I have been and then it happened… feet began to itch! I am allergic to something in the orthotics….my worst nightmare. They are very costly @ 350.00 a pair and the insurance does NOT cover them! Thank God I have a nice man named Eric who is going to work with me no matter what to get me back to normal…whatever that is? Hubby took my orthotics back to him yesterday. They are made of manmade cork. He then put a thin leather upper on top with a glue called Cargo Cement. I think that’s the culprit….the glue. So….Eric will take that leather and glue off and we will try that….one step at a time. I am allergic to three things that I know of right now.
1. Neoprene
2. Nickel
3. Cobalt
Usually, neoprene is the problem. Did you know it was the number one new allergen in the country last year? It was the allergen of the year for 2009! Check this out….Neoprene Allergy
So…we will try again. We are bound to get lucky eventually. Meanwhile, I have to remember to be grateful for what I DO have in my life, and that is many, many, blessings. Don’t forget to stop over at Good Old Beans and encourage them to “keep on bloggin!”…’s a fun blog that I miss.
Debbie, I hear ya about this extreme weather we are having. Too humid, too hot, too much. I am not dealing well with this heat, and am looking forward to our vacation on the coast. Everyone I know who has a garden says the same thing....growing like mad due to the weather. Looking forward to the photos of your garden. Isn't foot pain the worst. Foot and tooth pain I think are the hardest to deal with. Living with any kind of pain is grueling, and it takes real courage to live with it day after day. I hope all is better soon for you! I'll be out of touch for about a week or so....stay cool, and enjoy the good days.
hugs, Kathleen
Hi Debbie, I love your collages, I've read about them on other blogs too. They seems sooo nice when you have many photos you want, I'm going to have to get a program like that.
Gosh! You've had a hard time with your allergies. We change so much as we get older. Hubs had a problem with penicillin that he never had before. He looked like a lepar! (sp) Poor guy couldn't sit up with out throwing up! It was touch and go for a couple weeks. I hope you don't run into more allergies.
Beautiful blog and great collages. What program are you using? I found one called Photoscape, that is cute, but I am always interested in a new program. Love your blog.
the horse is lying on it's back sort of under the lion. what ever happened with the box? i am not sure what made me start collecting. i think there was so much 'fake' witch stuff out there that i wanted to find real stuff! are you as hot as we are?
hi debbie..kid? what can you say? i used to live in canada and we sort of came and went as we wanted to but not anymore! now you need a passport! i found something i want to send you so can you send me your address again?
Hey honey, thank-you for stopping by and for your kind comment. t.xx
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