Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy 101……


   Hey I got award from Evansmom over at Just Sayin  called the Happy 101! How kind was that!!? She has a wonderful thought provoking blog over there so check her out. As with every award, there are rules of course.

The rules for me accepting this award are:
1. Copy and paste the award on your blog. Done
2. List who gave the award to you and use a link to her blog (or hyperlink).  Done
3. List 10 things that make you happy.
4. Pass the award on to other bloggers and visit their blog to let them know!
Top 10 things that make me happy….

1. Family gatherings that both my kids are present at.

2. Christmas time….all of it makes me happy.

3. Pepperoni, green pepper and onion pizza or garlic, pea pod and onion fried rice.

4. When a project I am working on comes together easily.

5. Finding a treasure at a yard sale.

6. Spending time with my husband.

7. Planting my garden and watching it grow.

8. Harvesting the garden in the fall and decorating the yard.

9. Port hole events when my brother comes home from Nashville.

10. Hanging out with Alice and just belly laughing! It’s always therapeutic~..~


Now I am supposed to pass this award on to other bloggers and let them know on their blogs…..drum roll please…………. my Maine girls first and in no particular order…

1. Dawn at C & G Design has a very happy blog about crafting and dolls and family and ….this girl is so busy I can’t even tell you!! Check out Dawn in her Maine castle of dolls!~..~

2. Elenka at Donweastdoingstuff is a wonderful girl from one of our big cities here in Maine. She has many talents. She is a gifted artist and regardless of what she writes, it makes me smile. She is also very kind….go see Elenka doing stuff the down east way girls! ~..~

3. Sheila at Note Songs will ALWAYS put a smile on your face! There is so much happiness exuding from her it is absolutely contagious! You also get a new song with every entry….how can you beat that?? A blog and a song….wander on over to Sheila’s Texas pad!

4. Kathleen at Rural Maine Life makes me smile every time I visit. She is one of the most honest people I have met on these blogs. She’s not afraid to tell it like it is and share her struggles with losing weight with us women. I admire that and look to her for strength. Check out our Millinocket Rocket Kathleen!!  She’s a great gal.

5. Eva from Wrestling With Retirement is another one of my Maine girls! Talk about smiling every day! This lady will not only make you smile, you will be keeling over with belly laughs after reading her blog! She’s just plain hilarious! Check out my friend Eva at her laugh factory blog!

A big thank you to Evansmom at Just Sayin for awarding me ……thanks again!!






Kathleen said...

WOW, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am honored to receive this....thank you Debbie. LOve those gals you listed along with me. I will be blogging on this tomorrow, while I decide who to pass this on to. And on what really makes me happy. This will be fun. You are in my thoughts, and I haven't forgotten about you, either. Hope you are doing A-OK. Luv, and hugs, Kathleen

Dawn said...

Hi Debbie, I'm getting caught up, thanks for the award! I'll have to think, think...who do I know that doesn't mind getting a award. Goodness, even my sis doesn't do them!
I hope your feeling well and enjoying this weather, gardening soon.

Debbie said...

Kathleen and Dawn:..Thanks girls for being a couple of "my Maine girls" and don't feel as though you have to follow through with this. A lot of folks don't do awards any more. I just wanted to acknowledge the both of you!

Elenka said...

Thanks Deb!!! I will try to get around to this....time is an issue at the moment, but I will try.
Thanks so much!!

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