It finally happened! Spring is just about here. One more week before it’s official on the calendars but I can feel it in the air today.
One of the signs of spring in Maine is the Portland Flower show. Portland Flower Show I didn’t make it this year but I saw photos of it and I thought I would
share some with you. Look at this wonderful Wood Sliced Walkway….
. What a great idea not only for
recycling wood stumps, but it looks very cool. Here is best in show…..
and Kitchen Door Garden….
Wow….if that doesn’t make you think spring! Before long we will be seeing some of these…
the rivers and streams. Fiddleheads are a Maine delicacy. They taste like a cross between asparagus and broccoli. My kids used to really enjoy hunting
the streams for them. Yup…..spring is coming….finally…..we will all be enjoying that breath of fresh air and seeing sights like this….
and this….
and this
We still have very high snow banks in the yard but for the first time in quite a while, I can see my picnic table in the back yard. It’s been buried all winter!
That’s a good sign! It’s been a long winter and I think we are all probably ready to be outside… open our windows and air the house out…
sit on the deck and drink in the air. It’s a new year….with new dreams….new gardens….new people to meet….new projects to begin outside….I guess a sense of
renewal for us all. I look forward to this spring with vigor! Come on Spring…….I’m ready for you!!
Tonight….we set out clocks ahead. We get an extra hour of daylight and that in itself is pretty thrilling. Happy Spring to you all. I just wanted to say a couple quick
things about 2 very special bloggers that have not been around here lately….like me!! Kathleen of Rural Maine has closed her blog but can be found on Facebook!
I will miss her but will keep in touch with her via emails. Dawn of C & G Design is still hanging in there. Her treatments continue so our prayers need to as well. She is
a very brave girl who needs all of our positive thoughts each day. I am hoping she makes it back to blogging very soon. She is in retreat mode and with all our well wishes
and God’s grace will be alright. God love her.
Happy Spring wherever you are!!!……….Hugs and Kisses to you all!!!!……