Just recently we had something very exciting happen in our family. Most all of you know, that my dad was a musician, especially if you follow this blog. I know how hard it has become following me, since I am NEVER here lately!! Sorry about that…. But I digress….
My nephew Adam Landry is a music producer in Nashville.
He produces a lot of cool bands. Somewhere in his studio he has a picture of my dad and another man from the 1940’s playing music together. A band that Adam was producing recently fell in love with that old photograph, taken while my dad was stationed in Rapid City, South Dakota, during WWII. My dad had not yet headed overseas. I have some similar photos of the two of them. The man with my dad is unknown to us, but is playing an accordion in all the photos. In each of them, they are fully engaged in song and instrument and appear to be having a ball. ~..~
The band Adam was producing asked our family for permission to use that old 1940’s photograph for the cover of their new album and we said yes. Because of copyright infringements and not knowing the existence of the “other man in the photo” they had a bit of a problem at first. Then it came to them….The name of the band is The Rouge and the name of the album is Blurry….. so what did they do???? They blurred out the cover and both of their faces. But we know, the guy on the right is my dad and he is now on every cover of that album all over the country!!! He would have LOVED that!! Here’s the album…..
and here’s a link to a review of it….The Rouge Blurry Review .
How cool is that???????????????????????????????????????
That is exciting!
Oh my gosh.. I have to admit, I don't know the group, The Rouge, and I'll have to look them up; but the photo on their latest album cover is VERY COOL!!! (Now, Laurel and Hardy I DO know, and I'm getting a kick out of watching them dance! LOL!)... Have a great week! ~tina
HI Debbie! There you are! I've missed you! Well, this is just wonderful news and how exciting for your family. Wouldn't your dad have just loved this! The cover looks great and I hope the band does well.
You take care of yourself and I'm so glad you popped in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
That is so delightful - no wonder you're so excited!
Oh Eva you are such a loyal follower!!
Debbie, what a cool story...I love it! I'm going to search to see if I can find that album online somewhere...sometimes you can even play the songs!
Have a good weekend...I pray there is no more snow! I posted pictures yesterday of first day of spring at my home...wish there were flowers instead of snow :)
Take care and have a good weekend!
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